
Dolphin emulator settings resident evil 2
Dolphin emulator settings resident evil 2

Options / Graphics configuration / Hacks: It is recommended that you leave all the boxes checked and that the accuracy is in Fast Options / Graphics configuration / Enhancements: in Internal Resolution put Native 640x528, Anti-Aliasing: None, Anisotropic Filtering: 1x, Post-Pocessing Effect it is highly recommended that you be in (off) It is highly recommended to also disable the use of V-Sync and the Use Fullscreen Options / Graphics settings / General: in Backend pong Vulkan and in Aspect Ratio 4: 3 If you notice that the emulator Dolphin is slowing down or that the emulator is very lag with its default configuration, try this configuration with it notice a huge improvement.

dolphin emulator settings resident evil 2

Options/Graphics Settings: Show FPS active It is necessary to have the option active: Show frame counter and Show Fps to make it easier to verify the races and much more difficult to manipulate the race

Dolphin emulator settings resident evil 2